+34 957 710 484 administracion@guadex.es



In its middle course and under the powerful productive nucleus it is eminently horticultural, where the normalization and optimal marketing of products is a fundamental key to agricultural profitability.

Guadex, through its presence at international exhibitions and other marketing channels, has managed to position itself in international markets, among others, the Asian market.

The existence of horticultural centers, such as Guadex, which contribute to the economic development of the area, gives the product added value and optimizes human and economic resources. The standardization, transformation and commercialization of their products is of vital importance.


  • Maximize the profitability of the production of each of the members.
  • Defend common interests in front of public administrations.
  • Develop activities to promote our products in order to successfully face current and future challenges in the agri-food sector.


  • Guarantee of the best sale price and payment security.
  • Lower costs and better purchasing conditions by volume.
  • Distribution of dividends and tax advantages
  • Advice for the adaptation of the product to the current market.
  • Access to mechanization.
  • Technical advice.
  • Participation in the consolidation of a own brand.
  • Market information.
  • Access to subsidies for the promotion of products and the brand.
  • Intranet with useful and updated particular information.
  • Strength and union in front of public administrations.
  • Access to the international market and large stores.
  • Feeling of union and belonging to the company, to a group of farmers with common objectives.
  • Guarantee of stability in uncertain times.

Guadex faces a future full of new challenges and projects to optimize throughout the year its resources, facilities, professionals …

In summary, the actions will be directed to:

  • Promotion of current products.
  • Search for new markets and consolidation of current ones.
  • Diversification with new products.








    Ctra Palma del Río - Fte Palmera Km 2,5

    14700 Palma del Río (Córdoba) ESPAÑA

    T: +34 957 710 484

    F: +34 957 643 094

    E: administracion@guadex.es

    "SAT GUADEX SL ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo NextGenerationEU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Trasformación y Resiliencia, para el PROYECTO DE INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA SOBRE CUBIERTA PARA AUTOCONSUMO CON EXCEDENTES NO ACOGIDA A COMPENSACIÓN (RD244/2019) DE 691,15 kWp EN NAVE DE ALMACENAMIENTO AGRÍCOLA EN PALMA DEL RÍO (CÓRDOBA), dentro del programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, gestionado por la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Agencia Andaluza de la Energía.”

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