More than 30 years of experience and quality
More than 2,500 hectares of cultivation in the Guadalquivir Valley where excellent soil is combined with an ideal climate, where any highly competitive crop can be tackled, both in quality and in earliness.
More than 30 years of experience and quality
More than 2,500 hectares of cultivation in the Guadalquivir Valley
where excellent soil is combined with an ideal climate, where any highly competitive crop can be tackled, both in quality and in earliness.
Guadex was founded in 1988 in Palma del Río (Córdoba – Spain). That extensive experience places it as one of the leading companies in its sector.
Striped and black watermelons, in both cases, with or without seeds
Table oranges / juice oranges and grapefruits. All in conventional and organic
High quality fresh green asparagus almost all year round
At Guadex, the health and safety of our workers is priority, for which, in addition to legal regulations, we comply with demanding internal safety measures.

Ctra Palma del Río - Fte Palmera Km 2,5
14700 Palma del Río (Córdoba) ESPAÑA
T: +34 957 710 484
F: +34 957 643 094
"SAT GUADEX SL ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo NextGenerationEU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Trasformación y Resiliencia, para el PROYECTO DE INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA SOBRE CUBIERTA PARA AUTOCONSUMO CON EXCEDENTES NO ACOGIDA A COMPENSACIÓN (RD244/2019) DE 691,15 kWp EN NAVE DE ALMACENAMIENTO AGRÍCOLA EN PALMA DEL RÍO (CÓRDOBA), dentro del programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, gestionado por la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Agencia Andaluza de la Energía.”